The golden light of protection

Visualise yourself, standing in the middle of a round circle of golden light about the size of a hula hoop.

Visualise yourself reaching down, picking up the golden light

See yourself slowly lifting the Golden light up THROUGH your entire body. As you lift the light up to your shoulders –

visualise the Golden light permeating right through to your ‘bone marrow’ and as you bring it up feel the Golden Light totally eradicating and cleansing any negative energy or thoughts that have manifested within or outside of your body.

See the Golden light pushing any negative energy away and replacing it with the golden light as it passes through your body.

Once the Golden light has reached your shoulders visualise a Hood at the back that is full of “Golden Light”. Pull the hood up over your head, down over your face and visualise the Golden Light pushing away any “Negative. Thoughts/Thought Forms/Energy or entities” – right out of your head. Any“Negative Energy” is pushed/projected outwards.

Visualise the “Golden Light” pushing outwards through your house, above and below your house, clearing/removing – ALL negative energy/thought forms around you and within the house replacing it with golden and loving light.

Visualise this “golden light of Protection” whenever you feel threatened, low in energy or just feeling like you need to lift your energy.

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